Studiogarden Verrewinkel

Located in the former studio house of the Belgian artist Olivier Strebelle, in Uccle, Brussels. It is a place for visual art, design, literature and music. In the month of April 2021, during full lockdown, Nele Tas enjoyed a residency period here.

1              Self-portrait Without Title (eyes, thought cloud) 2021, water color on paper, 26 x 36 cm
2      Tray Portrait (me, playing card), 2021, water color and oil paint on paper, 26 x 36 cm
3              Tray Portrait (brush), 2021, water color, gouache and oil paint on paper, 26 x 36 cm
4        Self-portrait Without Title (hair ear eye) 2021, water color on paper, 26 x 36 cm
5    Tray Portrait (eyes brush) 2021, water color and oil paint on paper, 26 x 36 cm
6             Tray portrait (eye, mouth, banana) 2021, water color and gouache on paper, 26 x 36 cm
7                 Tray Portrait (heart stone) 2021, water color and oil paint on paper, 26 x 36 cm
    Tray Portrait (handkerchief) 2021, water color and oil paint on paper, 26 x 36 cm
9    Tray portrait (mouth picture), 2021, water color and gouache on paper, 26 x 36 cm
10                              Tray Portrait (sticker) 2021, water color and oil paint on paper, 26 x 36 cm


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